Sunday, 25 August 2013

Vastu Shashtra tips for your Home

Vastu Shashtra helps you to bring positivity, energy and happiness to your home with a few changes here and there. Here are a few tips to guide you as to how you can make little changes in your house to bring more positive energy and happiness.

  •  Entrance: The main door is the passage which creates life in a home. One should pay great attention to the main door and the main windows as per the vastu shastra. Vastu Shashtra recommends the doors on the North, North East and East directions for more prosperity and positivity in the house.

  • Kitchen : Kitchen is a significant part of any household. If the house can be equated toa living body, the kitchen is definitely the heart offering positive health contributions keeping the body alive. The water elements, faucets, storage area, cabinets and fire elements all play a contributing role in shaping of the overall energy aura of the kitchen. According to Vastu Shashtra kitchen should be placed in North and North East Directions.

  • Living Room: The living room is always the center of the house and each one of us wants to decorate it in the best possible manner. But it is not just about decor and style; the room has to give a warm and comforting feel as well. Therefore, it is extremely important to do a careful setting of your drawing room, so that it exudes positive energy and fosters healthy relationships. Vastu Shashtra suggests that the living room can be situated in the North-East, the Central East, Central West, central North or central South direction.
  • Bed Room: Living in perfect harmony and keeping problems at an arm's length is even more important for the bedroom, where one retires to escape from the worries of the world and have a tension-free sleep. Thus, bedrooms also acquire Vastu characteristics to ensure harmony in the house.  As per Vastu Shashtra South-west direction is better if you sleep with your head positioning towards the south or west. 
    What interesting Vastu tips can you recommend? Do share them with us in the comments section.

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